
start :: Documentation :: Introduction
Summary of changes
Included patches
Original patches
Supported systems
Things to do
Mailing lists

I created qmail-patches because vanilla qmail installation doesn't include many options needed in our time. Especially SMTP authorization, SSL. I had also my own ideas which I wanted to be implemented. This patch is set of patches available on qmail.org assembled into one piece.

What you get after applying this patch:

  • qmail-smtpd checking addresses using special daemon,
  • qmail-emtpd implementation of my EMTP protocol,
  • mail from based relaying,
  • ability to change qmail-queue to other program,
  • tarpitting - dealying sender after issuing too many recipients,
  • accepting mails for,
  • checking number of recipients for bounced mails,
  • SMTP authorization,
  • SSL (at this time only when receiving mail by qmail-smtpd)

If you think that some future is missing you're welcome to add it or if you can't but think it should be implemented you can contact author.

Copyrigth 2004, created by Pawel Niewiadomski
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